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Clin Prof Goh Yeow Tee

Clin Prof Goh Yeow Tee

MBBS, M Med (Int Med)

Senior Consultant

Singapore General Hospital

Specialty: Haematology

Clinical Interest: Stem Cell Transplantation, Lymphoproliferative Disease, Myeloma

Conditions Treated by this Doctor:
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), Aplastic Anaemia, Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Essential Thrombocythemia and Myelofibrosis, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, Myelodysplastic Syndrome, Myeloprolierative Neoplasms, Polycythemia Vera, Thalassaemia.

Clinical Appointments

  • Senior Consultant SingHealth Duke-NUS Blood Cancer Centre
  • Senior Consultant SingHealth Duke-NUS Transplant Centre
  • Senior Consultant Haematology Singapore General HospitalSingapore General Hospital
  • Senior Consultant National Cancer Centre SingaporeNational Cancer Centre Singapore

Academic Appointments

  • Adjunct Associate Professor; National University of Singapore
  • Clinical Professor; Duke-NUS Medical School


Dr Goh is a Senior Consultant at Singapore General Hospital and was formerly Group Director, Research (Research Integrity, Compliance and Ethics) at SingHealth. Prior this, he held positions which include Acting Chairman for Division of Research, Director of Clinical Trials and Research Centre (CTRC), Director of Department of Clinical Research, Director of Office of Translational Medicine Oversight (TMO) and Director of Research Quality Management. He is currently Clinical Professor at Duke–NUS Medical School and Adjunct Associate Professor at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. 

As an experienced researcher, Prof Goh has accumulated an extensive research portfolio. He was awarded over 10 research grants as PI or higher (funds in excess of S$15 million) and led over 70 clinical trials as PI; published over 120 peer-reviewed research articles; and presented over 150 papers at conferences. His reputation has led to active engagements as invited speaker, chairperson, advisory board member and steering committee member for regional and international events.

Prof Goh has played a key role in shaping and leading the training of haematologists in Singapore as member of Specialist Accreditation Committee for Haematology from 1998 and as the Chairman from 2004-2012. He oversaw the transition to residency programmes as Chairman of the Resident Advisory Committee. He actively mentors clinical scientists, trainees, medical and doctorate students. He was also a founding member of the Bone Marrow Donor Programme and Leukemia Lymphoma Foundation.


  • Advisor, Research Ethics and Compliance Council (RECC); Singapore Health Services
  • Advisor, Research Regulatory Compliance Committee (RRCC) Advisory Committee
  • SDBCC EXCO member, Lymphoid Malignancies Lead

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships

  • Advisor, Research Ethics and Compliance Council (RECC); Singapore Health Services
  • Advisor, Research Regulatory Compliance Committee (RRCC) Advisory Committee
  • SDBCC EXCO member, Lymphoid Malignancies Lead


  • Academic Medicine-ETHOS LEAP Award -  Mentor/Co-Mentor; 2018
  • GCEO Excellence Awards 2016, Outstanding Clinician Researcher Award; 2016
  • Singapore Health Quality Service Award (Gold Award); 2016
  • SGH 30 years Long Service Award; 2014
  • Singapore Medical Association Bronze Medal (all around undergraduate merit award); 1983

Research Interests

  • Novel agents including cellular and immune therapy for leukemia, multiple myeloma, lymphoma
  • Clinical Trials – various hematologic malignancies, including leukemia, multiple myeloma and lymphoma
  • Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
  • Immunotherapy
  • Clinical Trials – Early phase


  1. Mauro MJ, Hughes TP, Kim DW, Rea D, Cortes JE, Hochhaus A, Sasaki K, Breccia M, Talpaz M, Ottmann O, Minami H, Goh YT, DeAngelo DJ, Heinrich MC, Soria VGG, Coutre P, Mahon FX, Janssen JJWM, Deininger M, Shanmuganathan N, Geyer MB, Silvia Cacciatore21, Fotis Polydoros21, Agrawal N, Hoch M, Lang F. Asciminib Monotherapy in Patients With CML-CP Without BCR::ABL1 T315I Mutations Treated With at Least 2 Prior TKIs: 4-Year Phase 1 Safety and Efficacy Results. Leukemia; May 2023; 37(5): 1048-59
  2. Wong RSM, Navarro-Cabrera JR, Narcisa SC, Goh YT, Idrobo H, Kongkabpan D, Gómez-Almaguer D, Al-Adhami M, Alvarenga TAP, Savage, Deschatelets P, Francois C, Grossi F, Dumagay T. Pegcetacoplan controls hemolysis in complement inhibitor-naivepatients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. Blood Advances; Available online 1 March 2023
  3. Tse E, Kwong YL; Goh YT, Bee PC, Ng SC, Tan D, Caguioa P, Nghia H, Dumagay T, Norasetthada L, Chuncharunee S, Radhakrishnan V, Bagal B, Atmakusuma TD, Mulansari NA. Expert Consensus on the Management of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia in Asia. Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 16 February 2023
  4. Tay T, Somasundaram M, Lim C, Khoo LP, Goh AZK, Lee YS, Liu X, Tao M, Quek R, Farid M, Poon E, Chan JYS, Chang EWY, Yang VSW, Goh YT, Tan,D, Diong,C, Grigoropoulos NF, Nagarajan C, Poon M, de Mel,S, Jeyasekharan,A, Chan EHL, Lee J, Chee YL, Lim ST, Tang T. Treatment outcomes of T and natural-killer/T-cell lymphoma with ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide chemotherapy. Cancer Report 2022; 5(9): e1552
  5. Awan FT; Addison D, Alfraih F, Baratta SJ, Campos RN, Cugliari MS; Goh YT; Alexandrovich lonin V; Mundnich S, Sverdlov AL; Tam C, Ysebaert L. International Consensus Statement on the Management of Cardiovascular Risk of Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in CLL. Blood Advances 2022; 6(18):5516-5525
  6. Khaled SK; Claes K; Goh YT, Kwong YL; Leung N; Mendrek W; Nakamura R; Jameela Sathar; Ng E; Nangia N; Whitaker S; Rambaldi A; OMS721-TMA-001 Study Group Members. Narsoplimab, a Mannan-Binding Lectin-Associated Serine Protease-2 Inhibitor,for the Treatment of Adult Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation–Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2022; 40(22): 2447-2457
  7. Ng LCK, Tham CSW, Lim F, Chen YX, Ong SY,Nagarajan C, Lee JJ, Goh YT, Linn YC, Lee YS, Phipps CD, Quek JKS, Than H, Hwang JCC, Grigoropoulos N, Hwang WYK, Ho AYL. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant in Aggressive T and NK/T Cell Lymphomarole of Upfront Autologous Transplant in Nodal Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma. Blood Cell Therapy – The official journal of APBMT 2021; 4(4): 92-100
  8. Kizhakeyil A, Zaini NBM, Poh ZS, Wong BHS, Loh X, Ng AS, et al. DDX3X loss is an adverse prognostic marker in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and is associated with chemoresistance in aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma subtypes. Vol. 20, Molecular cancer. 2021. p. 134.
  9. Ong SY, de Mel S, Grigoropoulos NF, Chen Y, Tan YC, Tan MSY, et al. High-dose methotrexate is effective for prevention of isolated CNS relapse in diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Blood Cancer J [Internet]. 2021 Aug 12;11(8):143. 
  10. Chen Y, Gopalakrishnan SK, Ooi M, Sultana R, Lim LH, Grigoropoulos N, et al. A phase 2 study of carfilzomib, cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone as frontline treatment for transplant-eligible MM with high-risk features (SGH-MM1). Vol. 11, Blood cancer journal. 2021. p. 150.
  11. Lim JQ, Huang D, Tang T, Tan D, Laurensia Y, Peng R-J, et al. Correction to: Whole-genome sequencing identifies responders to Pembrolizumab in relapse/refractory natural-killer/T cell lymphoma. Vol. 35, Leukemia. 2021. p. 1225.
  12. Ong SY, Lim JQ, Grigoropoulos N, Laurensia Y, Huang D, Chia BKH, et al. No association between ECSIT germline mutations and hemophagocytic  lymphohistiocytosis in natural killer/T-cell lymphoma. Vol. 106, Haematologica. 2021. p. 1737–9.
  13. van Rhee F, Rossi J-F, Simpson D, Fosså A, Dispenzieri A, Kuruvilla J, et al. Newly diagnosed and previously treated multicentric Castleman disease respond equally to siltuximab. Vol. 192, British journal of haematology. 2021. p. e28–31.
  14. Lin G-W, Xu C, Chen K, Huang H-Q, Chen J, Song B, et al. Genetic risk of extranodal natural killer T-cell lymphoma: a genome-wide association study in multiple populations. Lancet Oncol. 2020 Feb;21(2):306–16.
  15. Lim JQ, Huang D, Tang T, Tan D, Laurensia Y, Peng R-J, et al. Whole-genome sequencing identifies responders to Pembrolizumab in relapse/refractory natural-killer/T cell lymphoma. Vol. 34, Leukemia. 2020. p. 3413–9.
  16. Ong SY, Phipps C, Nagarajan C, Tang T, Lim ST, Goh YT, et al. Cell-of-origin and bone marrow involvement increase specificity of defining patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma at high risk of CNS relapse: a study of 793 patients treated with chemoimmunotherapy in Asia. Vol. 61, Leukemia & lymphoma. United States; 2020. p. 225–7.
  17. Pwint K-SW, Chen Y, Diong CP, Goh Y-T, Grant D, Ho A, et al. Mobilization kinetics of peripheral blood stem cells with rescue plerixafor - real-world experience from a single center. Vol. 61, Leukemia & lymphoma. United States; 2020. p. 1740–3.
  18. Quek J, Lee JJ, Lim FL, Diong C, Goh YT, Gopalakrishnan S, et al. Donor-type fresh frozen plasma is effective in preventing hemolytic reaction in major ABO incompatible allogeneic stem cell transplant. Transfusion. 2019 Jan;59(1):335–9.
  19. Teo YWB, Linn YC, Goh YT, Li S, Ho LP. Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes from acute myeloid leukemia marrow can be reverted to CD45RA+ central memory state by reactivation in SIP (Simulated Infective Protocol). Immunobiology. 2019 Jul;224(4):526–31.
  20. Hughes TP, Mauro MJ, Cortes JE, Minami H, Rea D, DeAngelo DJ, et al. Asciminib in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia after ABL Kinase Inhibitor Failure. N Engl J Med. 2019 Dec;381(24):2315–26.
  21. Fujishima N, Uchida T, Onishi Y, Jung CW, Goh YT, Ando K, et al. Inotuzumab ozogamicin versus standard of care in Asian patients with relapsed/refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Int J Hematol. 2019 Dec;110(6):709–22.
  22. Raab MS, Thomas SK, Ocio EM, Guenther A, Goh Y-T, Talpaz M, et al. The first-in-human study of the pan-PIM kinase inhibitor PIM447 in patients with relapsed and/or refractory multiple myeloma. Leukemia. 2019 Dec;33(12):2924–33.
  23. Dimopoulos MA, Gay F, Schjesvold F, Beksac M, Hajek R, Weisel KC, et al. Oral ixazomib maintenance following autologous stem cell transplantation (TOURMALINE-MM3): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. Lancet (London, England). 2019 Jan;393(10168):253–64.
  24. Phipps C, Lee YS, Ying H, Nagarajan C, Grigoropoulos N, Chen Y, et al. The impact of time from diagnosis to treatment in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 2018 Oct;59(10):2336–41.
  25. Pock HL, Wei Bryan TY, Hoon TP, Iqbal J, Ching LY, Tee GY, et al. Standing in the GAP : To formulate a novel radioimmunotherapy regime to improve the long-term outcome in breast cancer. Immunotherapy. 2018 Feb;10(4):255–63.
  26. Chan JY, Ng AYJ, Cheng CL, Nairismägi M-L, Venkatesh B, Cheah DMZ, et al. Whole exome sequencing identifies recessive germline mutations in FAM160A1 in familial NK/T cell lymphoma. Vol. 8, Blood cancer journal. 2018. p. 111.
  27. Wang L, Allen J, Diong C, Goh Y-T, Gopalakrishnan S, Ho A, et al. Respiratory virus infection after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant in a tropical center: Predictive value of the immunodeficiency scoring index. Transpl Infect Dis. 2017 Jun;19(3).
  28. Zhou W, Sultana R, Diong C, Goh Y-T, Gopalakrishnan S, Ho A, et al. Long-term renal outcome after allogeneic hemopoietic stem cell transplant: A comprehensive analysis of risk factors in an Asian patient population. Clin Transplant. 2017 Apr;31(4).
  29. Sangha R, Davies A, Dang NH, Ogura M, MacDonald DA, Ananthakrishnan R, et al. Phase 1 study of inotuzumab ozogamicin combined with R-GDP for the treatment of patients with relapsed/refractory CD22+ B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. J drug Assess. 2017;6(1):10–7.
  30. Chan TS-Y, Lee Y-S, Del Giudice I, Marinelli M, Ilari C, Cafforio L, et al. Clinicopathological features and outcome of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in Chinese patients. Oncotarget. 2017 Apr;8(15):25455–68.
  31. Ghosh A, Tan TT, Linn YC, Gopalakrishnan S, Goh YT, Hwang W, et al. What We Learned From Plasma BK-Virus Monitoring in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Transplant Recipients. Vol. 100, Transplantation. United States; 2016. p. e17-8.
  32. Moreau P, Masszi T, Grzasko N, Bahlis NJ, Hansson M, Pour L, et al. Oral Ixazomib, Lenalidomide, and Dexamethasone for Multiple Myeloma. N Engl J Med. 2016 Apr;374(17):1621–34.
  33. Tang T, Chen Z, Praditsuktavorn P, Khoo LP, Ruan J, Lim ST, et al. Role of Surveillance Imaging in Patients With Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2016 Mar;16(3):117–21.
  34. Ong S-Y, Ng HY, Surendran S, Linn YC, Chen Y, Goh YT, et al. Subcutaneous bortezomib combined with weekly cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone is an efficient and well tolerated regime in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Vol. 169, British journal of haematology. England; 2015. p. 754–6.
  35. Ong S-Y, Truong H-T-T, Diong CP, Linn Y-C, Ho AY-L, Goh Y-T, et al. Use of Valacyclovir for the treatment of cytomegalovirus antigenemia after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. BMC Hematol. 2015;15:8.
  36. Kam G, Yiu R, Loh Y, Ang AL, Yueh LL, Goh YT, et al. Impact of pegylated filgrastim in comparison to filgrastim for patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) on high-dose cytarabine (HIDAC) consolidation chemotherapy. Support care cancer Off J Multinatl Assoc Support Care Cancer. 2015 Mar;23(3):643–9.
  37. Ma L, Hao S, Diong C, Goh Y-T, Gopalakrishnan S, Ho A, et al. WPSS is a strong prognostic indicator for clinical outcome of allogeneic transplant for myelodysplastic syndrome in Southeast Asian patients. Ann Hematol. 2015 May;94(5):761–9.
  38. Ma L, Hao S, Diong C, Goh Y-T, Gopalakrishnan S, Ho A, et al. Pre-transplant achievement of negativity in minimal residual disease and French-American-British L1 morphology predict superior outcome after allogeneic transplant for Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia: an analysis of Southeast Asian patients. Leuk Lymphoma. 2015 May;56(5):1362–9.
  39. Tan D, Phipps C, Hwang WYK, Tan SY, Yeap CH, Chan YH, et al. Panobinostat in combination with bortezomib in patients with relapsed or refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma: an open-label, multicentre phase 2 trial. Lancet Haematol. 2015 Aug;2(8):e326-33.
  40. Gupta N, Goh YT, Min C-K, Lee JH, Kim K, Wong RSM, et al. Pharmacokinetics and safety of ixazomib plus lenalidomide-dexamethasone in Asian patients with relapsed/refractory myeloma: a phase 1 study. J Hematol Oncol. 2015 Sep;8:103.
  41. Haase D, Puan KJ, Starke M, Lai TS, Soh MYL, Karunanithi I, et al. Large-scale Isolation of Highly Pure "Untouched" Regulatory T Cells in a GMP Environment for Adoptive Cell Therapy. J Immunother. 2015;38(6):250–8.
  42. Seggewiss-Bernhardt R, Bargou RC, Goh YT, Stewart AK, Spencer A, Alegre A, et al. Phase 1/1B trial of the heat shock protein 90 inhibitor NVP-AUY922 as monotherapy or in combination with bortezomib in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Cancer. 2015 Jul;121(13):2185–92.
  43. Robak T, Huang H, Jin J, Zhu J, Liu T, Samoilova O, et al. Bortezomib-based therapy for newly diagnosed mantle-cell lymphoma. N Engl J Med. 2015 Mar;372(10):944–53.
  44. van Rhee F, Wong RS, Munshi N, Rossi J-F, Ke X-Y, Fosså A, et al. Siltuximab for multicentric Castleman’s disease: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Oncol. 2014 Aug;15(9):966–74.
  45. Ho LP, Yit PS, Ng LH, Linn YC, Zhao Y, Sun L, et al. The road to memory: an early rest for the long journey. J Immunol. 2013 Dec;191(11):5603–14.
  46. Kim SJ, Hsu C, Song Y-Q, Tay K, Hong X-N, Cao J, et al. Hepatitis B virus reactivation in B-cell lymphoma patients treated with rituximab:  analysis from the Asia Lymphoma Study Group. Eur J Cancer. 2013 Nov;49(16):3486–96.
  47. Tan D, Kim K, Kim JS, Eom H-S, Teoh G, Ong KH, et al. The impact of upfront versus sequential use of bortezomib among patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM): a joint analysis of the Singapore MM Study Group and the Korean MM Working Party for the Asian myeloma network. Leuk Res. 2013 Sep;37(9):1070–6.
  48. Ng KP, Hillmer AM, Chuah CTH, Juan WC, Ko TK, Teo ASM, et al. A common BIM deletion polymorphism mediates intrinsic resistance and inferior responses to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in cancer. Nat Med. 2012 Mar;18(4):521–8.
  49. Linn Y-C, Yong H-X, Niam M, Lim T-J, Chu S, Choong A, et al. A phase I/II clinical trial of autologous cytokine-induced killer cells as adjuvant immunotherapy for acute and chronic myeloid leukemia in clinical remission. Cytotherapy. 2012 Aug;14(7):851–9.
  50. Phipps C, Mok SJ, Ang AL, Goh YT, Tan D. Bortezomib and panobinostat combination is effective against PTCL. Vol. 36, Leukemia research. England; 2012. p. e128-30.
  51. Wu F, Heng KK, Salleh RB, Soh TG, Lee JJ, Mah J, et al. Comparing peripheral blood stem cell collection using the COBE Spectra, Haemonetics MCS+, and Baxter Amicus. Transfus Apher Sci Off J World Apher  Assoc  Off J Eur Soc Haemapheresis. 2012 Dec;47(3):345–50.
  52. Tan BH, Low JGH, Chlebicka NL, Kurup A, Cheah FK, Lin RTP, et al. Galactomannan-guided preemptive vs. empirical antifungals in the persistently febrile neutropenic patient: a prospective randomized study. Int J Infect Dis IJID Off Publ Int Soc Infect Dis. 2011 May;15(5):e350-6.
  53. Hwang WYK, Koh LP, Lim S-T, Linn YC, Loh YS, Koh MBC, et al. Multicenter study of comparative outcomes of hematopoietic stem cell transplant for peripheral T cell lymphoma and natural killer/T-cell lymphoma. Vol. 52, Leukemia & lymphoma. United States; 2011. p. 1382–6.
  54. Kantarjian HM, Hochhaus A, Saglio G, De Souza C, Flinn IW, Stenke L, et al. Nilotinib versus imatinib for the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed chronic phase, Philadelphia chromosome-positive, chronic myeloid leukaemia: 24-month minimum follow-up of the phase 3 randomised ENESTnd trial. Lancet Oncol. 2011 Sep;12(9):841–51.
  55. Lim AST, Chen TJ, Lim TH, Tan M, Lau LC, Lim P, et al. Bone marrow cytogenetics workup: Application of lean management system to determine if additional cell workup is helpful and necessary to analysis. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2010 Sep;39(9):696–9.
  56. Saglio G, Hochhaus A, Goh YT, Masszi T, Pasquini R, Maloisel F, et al. Dasatinib in imatinib-resistant or imatinib-intolerant chronic myeloid leukemia in blast phase after 2 years of follow-up in a phase 3 study: efficacy and tolerability of 140 milligrams once daily and 70 milligrams twice daily. Cancer. 2010 Aug;116(16):3852–61.
  57. Kim D-W, Banavali SD, Bunworasate U, Goh Y-T, Ganly P, Huang H, et al. Chronic myeloid leukemia in the Asia-Pacific region: current practice, challenges and opportunities in the targeted therapy era. Leuk Res. 2010 Nov;34(11):1459–71.
  58. Koh L-P, Chen C-S, Tai B-C, Hwang WYK, Tan L-K, Ng H-Y, et al. Impact of postgrafting immunosuppressive regimens on nonrelapse mortality and survival after nonmyeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant using the fludarabine and low-dose total-body irradiation 200-cGy. Biol blood marrow Transplant J Am Soc Blood Marrow Transplant. 2007 Jul;13(7):790–805.
  59. Loh YSM, Koh LP, Tai BC, Hwang WYK, Linn YC, Goh YT, et al. Long-term follow-up of Asian patients younger than 46 years with acute myeloid  leukemia in first complete remission: comparison of allogeneic vs. autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Leuk Lymphoma. 2007 Jan;48(1):72–9.
  60. Cornely OA, Maertens J, Winston DJ, Perfect J, Ullmann AJ, Walsh TJ, et al. Posaconazole vs. fluconazole or itraconazole prophylaxis in patients with neutropenia. N Engl J Med. 2007 Jan;356(4):348–59.
  61. Tan PH-C, Hwang WYK, Goh YT, Tan PL, Koh LP, Tan CH, et al. Unrelated peripheral blood and cord blood hematopoietic stem cell transplants for thalassemia major. Am J Hematol. 2004 Apr;75(4):209–12.
  62. Khee WHY, Chye PTH, Hoe TC, Fung HG, Khiang HK, Tee GY. Autologous recovery with protractedly undetectable donor chimerisms can precede stable donor engraftment in a nonmyeloablative cord blood transplant. Int J Hematol. 2003 Jul;78(1):73–5.

Research Trials