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Assoc Prof Raghuram Jagadesan

Assoc Prof Raghuram Jagadesan

MB BCh BAO (Dublin), FRCP (Glasg), FRCP (Edin), FCCP (USA) FAMS

Senior Consultant

Changi General Hospital

Specialty: Respiratory Medicine, Internal Medicine

Clinical Interest: Intensive Care Medicine

Conditions Treated by this Doctor:
Asthma, Bronchiectasis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Deep Vein Thrombosis, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Haemoptysis, Heart Failure, Image-Guided Lung Biopsy, Interstitial Lung Disease, Liver Failure, Lung Cancer, Lung Nodules, Pleural Diseases, Pneumonia, Pneumonia, Pneunomia, Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, Pulmonary Embolism, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Sepsis, Severe Asthma, Stroke, Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis.

Clinical Appointments

  • Deputy Chairman, Medical Board (Continuity Care Disciplines) Changi General HospitalChangi General Hospital
  • Director, Continuing Community Care, Regional Health Systems (RHS) SingHealthSingHealth
  • Senior Consultant Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine Changi General HospitalChangi General Hospital
  • Visiting Consultant SingHealth Duke-NUS Transplant Centre


Associate Prof Jagadesan Raghuram is the currently deputy CMB for Continuity Care Disciplines and director, Continuing Community Care, Regional Health Systems (RHS) with Singhealth. He is also a senior consultant with the Department of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine at Changi General Hospital (CGH).
A/Prof Raghuram has been the Chairman of SingHealth Centralised Institutional Review Board C since April 2009, giving his perspectives and inputs using his expertise in ensuring the ethical conduct of human-related research and safety of research participants. A/Prof Raghu’s enthusiasm to share and impart knowledge is not limited to clinicians. He has tutored nurses as well as mentored aspirant medical students to promote their interest in science and medicine. He is a clinical senior lecturer at the National University of Singapore since 2008 and clinical associate professor, Department of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS since August 2014.


  • Fellow, Academy of Medicine, Singapore 
  • Singapore Medical Council Specialist Registration in Respiratory Medicine 
  • Ministry of Health, Republic of Singapore Certificate of Specialist Accreditation in Respiratory Medicine
  • M.R.C.P. (U.K.), Royal College of Physicians (U.K.) 
  • M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., University of Dublin (Trinity College) 
  •  B.A. (Hons.), University of Dublin (Trinity College)

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships

  • Associate Professor, Duke-NUS
  • Associate Professor, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Examination Panel, Respiratory Medicine Exit Examination (VIVA), Joint Committee on Specialist Training, 2014 - present
  • Examiner, Final M. Med (Internal Medicine)/MRCP (UK) PACES Examination, Singapore, 24-28 June 2016, 14-18 October 2016
  • Examiner, M. Med (Family Medicine), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS 15 November 2014
  • Chairman, Centralised Institutional Review Board C, SingHealth 
  • Director, Continuing Community Care Programmes, Regional Health Systems, SingHealth 
  • Member, Internal Medicine-Working Committee (IM-WC), MOH 
  • Member, Specialist Training Committee (Respiratory Medicine) 
  • Member, Specialist Training Committee (Intensive Care Medicine) 
  • Member, Complaints Panel, Singapore Medical Council 
  • Member, Residency Advisory Committee (RAC) for Respiratory Medicine 
  • Member, SAF Respiratory Medicine Specialist Advisory Board, MINDEF 
  • Instructor, FCCS 
  • Instructor, ACLS


  • 2017 Distinguished Senior Clinician Award for Excellence in Clinical Service, Education & Research, 2017
  • Best Educator Award, Medical – Postgraduate (Residency), 2014 
  •  Outstanding Faculty Award by Residency in Singhealth Excels! (RiSE) for outstanding contribution to Medical Education, 2014 
  • “Silver Award”, Eastern Health Alliance Caring Awards, CGH, 2014 
  • Singapore Health Quality Service Award “Silver Award”, 2010 
  •  Service Quality Award, Singapore General Hospital, 2004 - 2007 
  • 10-Year Long Service Award, Singapore General Hospital, 2004 
  • Recognition Award by Singapore Medical Council for participating in Continuing Medical Education, 2000 - 2002

Research Interests


  • Wang YTS., Chee CBE., Hsu LY., Jagadesan R., Kaw GJL, Kong PM Ministry of Health Clinical Practice Guidelines: Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Tuberculosis Singapore Medical Journal 2016: 57 (3) 118-125
  • Koh J., Xu Y., Yeo LF., Tee A., Siau C., Law J., Noor IBM., Poulose V., Jagadesan R., Achieving Optimal Clinical Outcomes in Ultrasounds-Guided Central Venous Catheterizations of the Internal Jugular Vein after a Simulation-Based Training Program for Novice Learners Simulation in Healthcare 2014: 9(3), 161-166
  • Koh J., Law J., Jagadesan R. Massive Hemoptysis, Not Your Usual Tuberculosis American Journal Of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2012: 185 (4), 455-455
  •  Siau C., Tee A., Au V., Jagadesan R., Oh HML., Fock KM., Teo EK. Influenza A H1N1 (2009): Clinical Spectrum of Disease among Adult Patients Admitted to a Regional Hospital in Singapore Singapore Medical Journal 2011: 52 (7) 475-480
  • Siau C, Law J., Tee A., Poulose V., Jagadesan R. Severe Refractory Hypoxaemia in H1N1 (2009) Intensive Care Patients: Initial Experience in an Asian Regional Hospital. Singapore Medical Journal 2010: 51 (6) 490-495
  •  Chay W.Y., Penafiel A., Jagadesan R., Chuah KL, Loo CM, and Lee P Dyspnea in a Transplant Recipient With Pulmonary Nodules CHEST 2009: 135:860–865
  •  Lee P, Loo CM, Jagadesan R., Colt HG. Survey of Bronchoscopy Practice in Singapore J Bronchol; 15(4), October 2008: 215-220
  • A. M. Nagar, H Seong Teh, R Nee Khoo, A C Morani, K Vrishni, and Jagadesan R. Multifocal Pneumocyte Hyperplasia in Tuberous Sclerosis Thorax 2008; 63: 186
  • Anantham D., Jagadesan R., Philip Eng Cher Tiew Clinical Review: Independent Lung Ventilation in Critical Care Critical Care 2005, 9:594-600 (10 October 2005_
  • Kenneth P.W. Chan, Jenny G.H. Low, Jagadesan R ., Stephanie M.C. Fook-Chong, Asok Kurup Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Severe Melioidosis Requiring Intensive Care. Chest 2005, 128: 3674-3678
  • Tan E, Hsu A, Eng P, Tan K, Lee P, Jagadesan R., Lo C., Loo C., Cheah F. P-123 Molecular Profiling of Lung Cancers: Can it be used as a Clinical Tool? Lung Cancer. July 2005 : Vol 49, S147
  • Chan KP, Jagadesan R., Low J., Kurup A Epidemiologic Characteristics and Prognostic Determinants of Death in Severe Melioidosis Requiring Intensive Care. Critical Care Medicine 2003: 31 (12), A120-A120
  • Tan HK, Lim JSS, Tan CK, Ng HS, Chow P. Lui HF, Wong GC, Tan PHC, Jagadesan R., et al. MARS Therapy in Critically Ill Patients with Advanced Malignancy: A Clinical and Technical Report. Liver International 2003:23:1-9
  •  Ong KC, Indumathi V, Jagadesan R., Ong YY A Comparative Study of Pleurodesis using Talc Slurry and Bleomycin in the Management of Malignant Pleural Effusions Respirology 2000 Jun; 5(2):99-103
  • Jagadesan R., P Eng, YY Ong The Oxygen Delivery Debate – A Review Annals, Academy of Medicine Singapore 1998; 27:404-8 JIF: Cited: 2 Jagadesan R., Ong YY, Wong SY Tetanus in Singapore : Report of Three Cases Annals, Academy of Medicine Singapore, 1995; 24(6)

Research Trials