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Dr Jocelyn Chua

Dr Chua Jocelyn

M Med(Ophth), FRCS(Ed), FAMS

Senior Consultant

Singapore National Eye Centre

Specialty: Glaucoma, Ophthalmology

Clinical Interest: Glaucoma

Clinical Appointments

  • Senior Consultant Glaucoma Department Singapore National Eye CentreSingapore National Eye Centre
  • Senior Consultant SNEC Eye Clinic @ SKH Sengkang General HospitalSengkang General Hospital

Academic Appointments

  • Clinical Asst Professor SingHealth Duke-NUS Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Programme


Dr Jocelyn Chua is a Senior Consultant in the Glaucoma Department at the Singapore National Eye Centre. She specialises in the management of both adult and paediatric glaucoma. Dr Chua had obtained her Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from The National University of Singapore in 2001. She went on to complete the Basic and Advanced Specialist Trainings in Ophthalmology at the Singapore National Eye Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital and National University Hospital. From 2009-2010, she trained as a Glaucoma fellow at the Singapore National Eye Centre. She was then awarded the SingHealth Health Manpower Development Plan (HMDP) Award in 2010 to further pursue a niche in paediatric glaucoma at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, UK (2010-2011).

Dr Chua was an adjunct research fellow at the Singapore Eye Research Institute during the period 2009-2014 and her research interests encompassed both basic science and glaucoma clinical trials. She is first-author to several peer-reviewed indexed journals. She has also actively participated at several key international, regional and local ophthalmology conferences, both as an invited speaker as well as an instructor at Instructional Glaucoma. Dr Chua was awarded the Bausch and Lomb Research Prize in 2008 and the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Travel Grant in recognition for her research contributions in 2009 and 2010.

Dr Chua has also contributed much to patient-centred efforts such as the establishment of the glaucoma support group initiative at the Singapore National Eye Centre as well as the development of the MyEyeDrops smartphone application, with the hope of improving patient’s compliance to glaucoma medical therapy. The Hospital Management Asia 2013 Gold Award was presented to the Singapore National Eye Centre in recognition of her innovative efforts.


  • FAMS (2014)
  • FRCS(Ed) (2009)
  • M Med(Ophth) (2005)
  • MBBS  (2001)

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships

  • Glaucoma Value Driven Outcome (VDO) Lead, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, JurongHealth (2019 - Aug 2023)
  • Clinical Director, Eye Service, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Juronghealth (2019 - 2021)
  • Chairperson, Medical Devices and Procedures Committee, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Juronghealth (2022 - Aug 2023)
  • Credentialing and Privileging Committee, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Juronghealth (2022 - Aug 2023)
  • College of Ophthalmology Glaucoma Subspecialty Group (2017 - 2022)
  • JMC Clinical Governance Committee, JurongHealth (2017 - 2019)
  • Tissue Audit Committee, JurongHealth (2017 - 2019)
  • Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, SNEC (2011 - 2014)
  • Quality Assurance Committee, SNEC (2012 - 2014)
  • Deputy Chair for JCI committee, SNEC (2012)
  • SNEC representative at Blood Transfusion Committee, SGH (2012 - 2014)
  • Co-Chair of Anesthetist Committee, Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) (2012 - 2014)


  • Hospital Management Asia Gold Award for “My EyeDrops” smartphone application (2013)
  • Singhealth Health Manpower Development Plan Award (HMDP) (2010)
  • Bausch & Lomb Research Prize (2008)
  • SARS Courage Star Award (2003)
  • Dean’s List (1996, 2000)

Research Interests


  1. Li-Fong Seet, Li Zhen Toh, Stephanie WL Chu, Sharon N Finger, JLL Chua, and Tina TT Wong. Upregulation of distinct collagen transcripts in post-surgery scar tissue: a study of conjunctival fibrosis. Dis Model Mech 2017 Jun;10(6):751-60.

  2. Yar Li Tan, J Chua, CL Ho. Update on surgical management of pediatric glaucoma. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol 2016.

  3. Sze-Yee Lee, Tina T Wong, J Chua, Cynthia Boo, Yu Feng Soh, Louis Tong. Effect of chronic anti-glaucoma medications and trabeculectomy on tear osmolarity. Eye 2013 Oct;27(10):1142-50.

  4. Chua WH, Yuen LH, Chua J, Teh G, Hill WE. Matched comparison of rotational stability of 1-piece acrylic and plate-haptic silicone toric intraocular lenses in Asian eyes. J Cataract Refract Surg 2012 Apr;38(4):620-4.

  5. J Chua, Maya V, G Cheung, M Ang, Chee SP, H Yang, Li Jing, Tina T Wong. Expression profile of inflammatory cytokines in aqueous from glaucomatous eye. Mol Vis 2012;18:431-8.

  6. J Chua, WJ Muen, A Reddy, J Brookes. The masquerades of a childhood ciliary body medulloepithelioma: A case of chronic uveitis, cataract and secondary glaucoma. Case Rep Ophthalmol Med 2012.

  7. A Narayanaswamy, K Lee, M Zhen, J Chua, SM Chai, PY Boey, C Zheng, T Aung, S Venkatraman, TT Wong. Randomized controlled trial of a sustained delivery formulation of 5-fluorouracil for the treatment of failing blebs. Ophthalmology 2012;119(2):314-20.

  8. Chua J, Choo CT, Seah LL, Fong KS, Chuah CT, Chee SP, Looi A. Asian ectropion revisited: A 5-year retrospective review. Annals Acad Med Singapore 2011;40(2):84-6.

  9. How A, Chua J, Charlton A, Su R, Lim M, Kumar RS, Crowston JG, Wong TT. Combined treatment with bevacizumab and 5-fluorouracil attenuates the postoperative scarring response after experimental glaucoma filtration surgery. IOVS 2010 Feb;51(2):928-32.

  10. Por YM, Mehta JS, Chua J, Koh TH, Khor WB, Fong AC, Lim JW, Heng WJ, Loh RS, Lim L, Tan DT. Acanthamoeba keratitis associated with contact lens wear in Singapore. Am J Ophthalmol 2009 Jul;148(1):7-12.e2.

  11. Wong HT-Chua J (Joint first authors), Sakata LM, Wong M, Aung HT, Aung T. Comparison of the Slit-Lamp Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography and Scanning Peripheral Anterior Chamber Depth Analyzer in the Evaluation of Angle Closure in Asian Eyes. Arch Ophthalmol 2009 May;127(5):599-603.

  12. Chua J, Seet LF, Jiang YZ, Su RSM, Charlton A, Htoon HM, Aung T, Wong T. Increased SPARC Expression in Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma Iris. Mol Vis 2008;14:1886-92.

  13. Chua J, Mehta JS, Tan D. Use of Anterior Segment OCT to Assess Secondary Glaucoma following Penetrating Keratoplasty. Cornea 2009;28(2):243-5.

  14. Mehta JS, Chua J, Poh R, Tan D. Primary Graft Failure following Descemet-stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty: A Clinico-pathological Study. Cornea 2008 Jul;27(6):722-6.

  15. Chua J, Cullen JF. Fungal pan-sinusitis with severe visual loss in poorly controlled diabetics. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2008;37(11):964-7.

  16. Chua J, Lim L. Systemic Wegener’s granulomatosis with severe ocular involvement. Singapore Medical Journal 2008;49(10):e259-62.

  17. Ang LP, Chua J, Tan D. Current Concepts and Techniques in Pterygium Treatment. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2007 Jul;18(4):308-13.

  18. Lee JJ, Teoh SC, Chua J, Tien MC, Lim TH. Occurrence and Reactivation of Cytomegalovirus Retinitis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Normal CD4(+) Counts. Eye 2006 May; 20(5):618-21.

Research Trials