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SCH is the Pioneer in Social Prescribing

JULY 2019

  • Visit to UK: Overseas study trip and 2nd International Social Prescribing Conference in London

OCT 2019

  • 1st Wellbeing Coordinator employed by SCH

  • SP pilot for theory testing & logic model development SP at BVH

  • SCH Internal Staff Engagement Social Prescribing

  • Taiwan Conference and Learning Trip 

APR - JUN 2020

  • Circuit Breaker! (Pause on SP activities), Conversion of BVH to COVID Facilities
  • WBCs move to OCH to continue SP inititives
  • WBCs move to back to BVH
  • Created digital Social Prescribing (e-SP) Programme @BVH
  • WBCs move to SKCH
  • Started e-SP Programme at SKCH
OCT - NOV 2020

  • ​Enhancement of e-SP programme with IAL


  • Presentation to WHO on SCH Social Prescribing efforts

Mar 2021

  • Best International Social Prescribing Scheme Award at Social Prescribing Network Awards

  • SP concept in MOH COS speech 

  • Published “Addressing Social Determinants Of Health in a Pandemic Providing e-Social Prescribing to our Elderly” 

  • WHO publish article on Singapore healthy aging

JAN 2022
  • ​First run for SGUS Health & Social Care Coordinator (HSCC) Programme

  • WBCs started SP Programme at OCH (operating SP at both SKCH and OCH)

​NOV 2022
  • ​Prof Lee shared about Social Prescribing at the Tea reception and Symposium 2022 Chapter of Family Medicine Physician

MAR 2023

  • ​GSPA Study Trip to UK & Sharing on published article: Social Prescribing Around the world

  • Start of Bi-monthly meetings between SCH and SGO

AUG 2023

  • ​Social Prescribing Masterclass & Launch of the Singapore Community of Practice in Social Prescribing (SCOMP) and SCOMP website

  • Visit from medical and pharmaceutical science students from Tsinghua University to learn about Social Prescribing